Freedom Fighters
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Biographies of Great Indians & Hindus


The Dream Remained A Dream!

When the revolutionary, Rishi and their companions reached Marseilles harbor, it was too late. The police had deceitfully arrested Savarkar who had jumped from the ship to the sea and swum to the shore; they had dragged him back to the ship. The plans made for weeks had been upset in a moment. It was not Savarkar who was brought home. It was a bundle of disappointment and failure heavier than that warrior.

Hers was one of the well-furnished houses in Paris. It was a beautiful, spacious house. In the living room the furniture was neatly arranged. There was a full-length mirror in the corner.

She came directly and stood before the mirror. The face was pale. The earlier
enthusiasm was no more. How could she believe that when she went just a little late,
Savarkar had become a prisoner again?

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About Madame Cama
The Dream Of The Release Of The Brave Fighter
You are Here! The Dream Remained A Dream !
Failures - Steps To Success
The Fire Lit By Oppression
The Clever Munni
To Curb Her Spirit
Two Persons - And Two Parties!
Fight Against Plague
In London
'Salute This Flag'
That Sacred Flag
In America
"March Forward, Friend'
To France
Welcome - Do Not Come !
Shadowed By Danger
In The World Of Jounalism
The British Government Confused
Fighting In Not One, But Ten Ways
'Where Is The Other Half Of Egypt?'
'Do Not Take Part In This War'
A Licence
Back To Her Beloved Homeland
Her Breath One With The Winds Of The Land
'Loss Of Freedom Means Loss Of Virtue'