Freedom Fighters
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Biographies of Great Indians & Hindus


Shadowed By Danger

These events added new brightness to Madame Cama's name. The fame of her courage and adventure spread even in the countries, which she had not visited. It was only after all this that the conference in Stuttgart, mentioned earlier, was held. She then became an international figure. From Germany she went to America; on many platforms she referred to the miseries of India at the time. She returned to London in 1908. By then, the 'India House' in London there had become a furnace in the fight for independence. Shyamji Krishna- varma, Sardar Singh Rana and other revolutionaries had fanned the  fires of revolution. Even as a child Madame Cama had made up her mind to devote her life to her motherland; she continued her work in London systematically. She was in contact with the nationalists of Ireland, Russia, Egypt and Germany. Under the pretext of giving them Christmas presents, she was sending them pistols made to look like toys; she gave them money, too.

As the activities of revolutionaries in London increased spies gave them more and more trouble. At last they had no choice but to leave London. Shyamji Krishnavarma, Sardar Singh Rana and others came to Paris.

As Madame Cama's adventures multiplied her name became a household word in
London. The British Government thought that she was a destructive revolutionary who would uproot it and trembled. Spies of the Government followed her likeshadows. The situation was such that danger could strike at any time.

Madame Cama decided that it was safer to leave London and go to Paris;she reached
Paris on 1 st May 1909.

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About Madame Cama
The Dream Of The Release Of The Brave Fighter
The Dream Remained A Dream !
Failures - Steps To Success
The Fire Lit By Oppression
The Clever Munni
To Curb Her Spirit
Two Persons - And Two Parties!
Fight Against Plague
In London
'Salute This Flag'
That Sacred Flag
In America
"March Forward, Friend'
To France
Welcome - Do Not Come !
You are Here! Shadowed By Danger
In The World Of Jounalism
The British Government Confused
Fighting In Not One, But Ten Ways
'Where Is The Other Half Of Egypt?'
'Do Not Take Part In This War'
A Licence
Back To Her Beloved Homeland
Her Breath One With The Winds Of The Land
'Loss Of Freedom Means Loss Of Virtue'