Freedom Fighters
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Biographies of Great Indians & Hindus


In America

After the conference in Germany concluded she came to America. To gain the support of the people there for the sacred cause in which she was engaged she had to start a campaign. In New York she explained her objects to press reporters who met her and they were full of praise for her. She told the reporters that lakes and lakes of people in India,although illiterate and suffering from hunger, loved their country. There was confidence and hope in the voice of Madame Cama when she said that Indians would attain independence within a few years and live in liberty, equality and brotherhood.

It was 28th October 1907. The Minerva Club had organized a meeting at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. The speaker was Madame Cama. In her speech she said that Indians should be given the political right to vote.

"People here may know of Russia. But they may not know much about conditions in India. The British Government is adopting the practice of destroying people who are educated and can think, or of sending them to jail. They are torturing the people and driving them to hospitals in jails. We desire a peaceful atmosphere and not bloody revolution. By proceeding in a non-violent manner as far as possible we have to overthrow despotic rule" said Madame Cama. Also Madame Cama spoke at several places. She may be called Mother India's representative to the United States of America.

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About Madame Cama
The Dream Of The Release Of The Brave Fighter
The Dream Remained A Dream !
Failures - Steps To Success
The Fire Lit By Oppression
The Clever Munni
To Curb Her Spirit
Two Persons - And Two Parties!
Fight Against Plague
In London
'Salute This Flag'
That Sacred Flag
You are Here! In America
"March Forward, Friend'
To France
Welcome - Do Not Come !
Shadowed By Danger
In The World Of Jounalism
The British Government Confused
Fighting In Not One, But Ten Ways
'Where Is The Other Half Of Egypt?'
'Do Not Take Part In This War'
A Licence
Back To Her Beloved Homeland
Her Breath One With The Winds Of The Land
'Loss Of Freedom Means Loss Of Virtue'