Forward, Friend'
Madame Cama returned to London in 1908; she addressed a meeting at the 'India House'. Her
speech was published in booklets. Large numbers of them found their way to India. The
booklets gave a summary of the core of the principles of revolution.
Non-violence is a great virtue, true. But when somebody unreasonably uses force it should
be resisted. Violence must be met with violence. This should be the attitude towards
tyrannical rule. Anything done on this principle is right. Patriotism consists in building
up a strong revolt against foreign governments. Said Madama Cama: "The fulfillment of
life lies in dedicating oneself to ones country." In a message to the youth of
the country she gave the following call:
"March forward friend, march forward. Mother Indias children are caught under
the heels of the tyranny of the British. They are helplessly sinking to the lowest depths;
lead them to the soft bed of Swarajya. March forward. Let this be our motto: We are for
India; India is for Indians."
Whether she was addressing Hindus or Muslims she proclaimed the message of unity. The
question of caste must be brushed aside. We are all Indians. We belong to one family. She
wished that the feeling of brotherhood must grow and unity achieved. She would warn
everybody not is accept any job, however big, offered by the British. She called upon the
people to learn to live by their efforts, to encourage trade, commerce, industry and
arts and to make everything wholly Indian. |