Freedom Fighters
Major Sections
Biographies of Great Indians & Hindus


In The World of Journalism

Numerous patriots who were fighting for India's freedom had been forced to settle down in foreign countries; they began to gather in Paris. Madame Cama also joined their group. When so many revolutionaries settle at one place something unusual is bound to take place, is it not? A revolu- tionary magazine was started. The name of the magazine was 'Vande Mataram'.

An able person was required to take over the editorship of the periodical. It was decided to appoint as editor Lala Hardayal who was a fearless elderly revolutionist. Hardayal gladly agreed to come to France from England. The first sparks of the first issue appeared in September 1909. All the 24 hours of the day were not sufficient for Madame Cama who was the publisher of 'Vande Mataram' and had also to distribute the copies.

Although engaged in so many activities Madame Cama was feeling that she was not doing enough work. All the strength in every drop of her blood was devoted to Mother India.

In addition to Mande Mataram' another magazine 'Madan's Talwar'was started to send forth sparks of revolution. This magazine was started to make deathless the memory of Madanlal Dhingra who had sacrificed his life for the country. Madame Cama was publishing it from Berlin.

Veer Savarkar came to Madame Cama's house at this time. Because of continuous hard work in London his health had broken down. Savarkar had come to Paris to improve his health to some extent.

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About Madame Cama
The Dream Of The Release Of The Brave Fighter
The Dream Remained A Dream !
Failures - Steps To Success
The Fire Lit By Oppression
The Clever Munni
To Curb Her Spirit
Two Persons - And Two Parties!
Fight Against Plague
In London
'Salute This Flag'
That Sacred Flag
In America
"March Forward, Friend'
To France
Welcome - Do Not Come !
Shadowed By Danger
You are Here! In The World Of Jounalism
The British Government Confused
Fighting In Not One, But Ten Ways
'Where Is The Other Half Of Egypt?'
'Do Not Take Part In This War'
A Licence
Back To Her Beloved Homeland
Her Breath One With The Winds Of The Land
'Loss Of Freedom Means Loss Of Virtue'