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'I Have None but Giridhar Gopal'

Mira came to know about this wish of Rana. She too thought that it was right. If she were drowned it would be a great relief toher mother-in-law and her relations. And she too could join her Lord, Sri Krishna. It was the simplest solution. With these thoughts Mira went to the river.

Standing on the edge of the water she prayed in her mind to Lal Giridhar, Sri Krishna: "0, my Lord! Take me unto thy self."

She was about to jump into the river. But a voice seemed to address her: "it is a great sin to kill oneself. Don't do it, don't jump into the water. Go to Brindavan."

Brindavan was the place where Krishna spent his childhood. Mira set out for Brindavan. None troubled her there about family prestige. No codes of courtly conduct curbed her freedom. She was free from the constant fear of the Rana.

In happy abandonment Mira sang and danced before Sri Krishna: 'Mere tho
Giridhar,Gopal, Dusaro na koyi' (Except Giridhar Gopal I have no one).

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About Mira Bai
Sri Krishna's Idol In Child's Hands
The King's Daughter-in-Law
Obstinate Or Crazy?
The Diamond Necklace Brings Grief
You are Here! 'I Have None But Giridhar Gopal'
The Only Man In Brindavan
In Dwaraka
Where Is Saint Mira?
The Drop Of Nectar In The Poision