Son in
the Jail
During this time a strange incident happened. Nabha was a small state. It had a bad ruler.
So the people of the state rose against him. Jawaharlal with two friends, Gidwani and
Santhanam, went there to study the political movement. Ail the three were arrested.
Jawahar and Santhanam were handcuffed together. A policeman leading them as if they were a
pair of dogs held a long chain attached to the handcuff. They were tried and sentenced to
two and a half years of imprisonment.Motilal got
this information. He was then running temperature. With great difficulty he reached Nabha.
But he could not get permission to see his son. He telegraphed to the Viceroy. He saw his
son in a dirty dark room. He felt miserable. The Government of India released all the
three. Jawahar's health was affected. For a change of climate both father and son went to
Europe and Russia.