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The Son
in England
It was customary for aristocrats in England to send their children to the Harrow Public
School. Motilal also decided to put his son in that school. Jawaharlal was then fifteen.
Motilal went to England with his family and got his son admitted to Harrow Public
After completing his studies in this school Jawahar joined Cambridge University. He
passed in the second class. Then he studied in a law college and got a degree. The father
thought that his son should study for the Indian Civil Service (I.C.S.) Examination. But
for this Jawaharlal would have to stay in England for another two years. But the parents
could not bear to be separated from their son so long.Moreover Indian students were
treated unfairly at this Examination, because of color prejudice. For these reasons
Motilal asked his son to return to India.
Thousands of rupees had been spent on the son's education. Jawahar used to spend all the
money sent to him. Once he lent some money to an Indian student who was in trouble. It was
never paid back. So he was hard up for money. He wrote to his father asking for more
money. The father
got angry. He wrote back, "How did you spend so much money sent to you? Send me
detailed accounts for six months. "The son also lost his temper. "Do you expect
me to write down how much I spent on buses or trains, on books, and snacks? Should I
account for every pie? I can't do it. If you have trust in me, send me money, otherwise,
don't. I shall work as a porter even and earn my maintenance and complete my
education," so he wrote back curtly.
Motilal felt unhappy for having wounded his son's feelings with his letter. He spent a
sleepless night. Finally he wrote to his son, "it is not that I want to leave you
property. Is it money or love, you shall never have to suffer for want of either. You
alone are the most invaluable treasure for me in this world. What you may earn laboring
hard throughout a year, I can earn in a day. For whom should I earn so much? Don't you
worry? I shall send as much money as you want." And he sent the money. The son was
dear as his own life.
While studying in Cambridge Jawahar wrote to his father asking for a car. Motilal could
easily afford it. But he had been reading in newspapers about car accidents. So he wrote
back, I can get you a car. But I will be ever in anxiety haunted by the thought that you
might meet with an accident. So do not think of a car now."
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