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A Source of Strength

Several of Birbal Sahni’s students have won an international reputation in different b ranches of botany. The Sahni’s were like the elders of a family to the students. When a student fell ill and spent a long time in a hospital, the Sahni visited him every day. When he was discharged from the hospital, they took him home and nursed him. They were very hospitable and helpful to students coming from distant places or abroad, and made them feel perfectly at home.

Sahni’s house was in Lucknow on the bank of the river Gomathi. With his artistic bent of mind he himself had planned his house and garden, without the aid of any architect. His friends in various walk of life, scientists, philosophers, businessmen, artists and students used to visit him. All of them cherished the warm hospitality of Birbal and Savithri Sahni. A few minutes with him meant a fresh store of inspiration and encouragement to students and colleagues. His research students had free access to his library. But as they in number, the books were occasionally misplaced. He was very methodical and disliked slovenliness. He used to remark: "Disorderliness is becoming order with us."

Nevertheless he used to say, "I spend my happiest hours in the company of my research students." He mingled with his students freely and also participated in the social and athletic activities of thestudents. Once at a session of the Indian Science Congress, another great scientist Sir C.V. Raman referred to Birbal Sahni as a ‘restless spirit’ and also remarked, "Sahni is the most handsome F.R.S. (Fellow of Royal Society) in India."

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About Birbal Sahani
The Parents
An Earnest Student
A Fresh Question Paper!
In England
Begins Research
Back In India
Guiding Research
Devotion To Work
The Himalayas
The Study Of Coins
A Shower Of Honours
You are Here! A Source Of Strength
For The Research Institute
He Remains An Inspiration
A Rare Personality