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Back in India Birbal Sahni served as Professor of Botany for one year in each of the Universities of Benaras and Punjab. In 1920, he married Savithri, the daughter of Sundardas Suri, a close friend of his father. She was a science graduate and a lady of great refinement. She became his true companion and was constantly with him whether in a study tour or a visit abroad. She completely merged herself in his life and work.

Until the year 1920, plant fossils collected by the Geological Survey of India during field investigation were sent abroad for examination by foreign experts. In 1920, Professor Seward declined to undertake such an examination saying that the work should go to competent Indian scientist namely Birbal Sahni for investigation. He had a close association with the department for about twelve years. Later the department commemorated his long and enduring association by erecting a bust of him in the Gondwana Gallery of its Indian Museum in Calcutta.

In 1921, Birbal Sahni was appointed as Professor and Head of the Department of Botany at the Newborn University of Lucknow. In the same year he got the MA Degree from Cambridge University.

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