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Guiding Research

Despite his heavy teaching schedule, he steadily continued his research work. In recognition of the outstanding quality of his work he was awarded the Doctorate of Science (Sc.D.) by Cambridge University in 1929. He was the first Indian scientist to receive that honor.

Research students were admitted to the Botany Department of Lucknow University in 1933. And from then he became an unfailing fountain of inspiration to students doing research.Colleagues and fellow- scientists also sought his advice in their work. He was exceedingly critical in the examination of the student’s work and could very swiftly and accurately judges its real worth. In presentation of papers he commended a logical and direct statement of facts. He often said: "Know what you have to say; and say it straight." He himself had perfect command of language. He also used to teach German and French to his post-graduate students after college hours.

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About Birbal Sahani
The Parents
An Earnest Student
A Fresh Question Paper!
In England
Begins Research
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Devotion To Work
The Himalayas
The Study Of Coins
A Shower Of Honours
A Source Of Strength
For The Research Institute
He Remains An Inspiration
A Rare Personality