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Worthy Donation

On hearing these words of Indra Dadheechi felt surprised. In order to save the gods, he should give his life itself!

The great sage told Indra and other gods: "One must die some day. Could there be a better way of dying than by giving one's life for others? When Mahavishnu Himself has sent you to me, I do not have to think over this. Look here, in another few minutes I shall leave this body. Then you may take my backbone. May you gain victory!"

Thus saying, Dadheechi prepared to give up his body. All the gods were gazing at that great soul in speechless wonder. The sage was seated on a clean place. He closed his eyes after regulating his breathing in yogic style and withdrawing himself from the sensual world, started meditating on God. Step by step his internal and external faculties stopped functioning. The eyes had remained closed. The ears could hear no sounds. The body remained still and static. Even the movements of ants, flies and mosquitoes on it caused no sensation. Shortly afterwards Dadheechi with his yogic power made his body rigid and let go the life spirits out!

The other sages, their wives and disciples, the gods who were witnessing this wonderful sight were stunned. They were struck dumb. They shed tears of joy. Dadheechi thus gave up his life with joy and attained immortality and everlasting fame.

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