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The War Starts

A terrible war began. The demons made a speedy attack on the gods and wounded many by hurling on them javelins, spears, and tridents, by shooting arrows at them and by hitting them with heavy swords, cudgels, axes and maces etc. Arrows after arrows followed and the whole space was full of them. It was not possible to distinguish friend from foe among the fighters.

The gods, confident of their victory, were showing their utmost skill in fighting. They chopped off many among the army of demons. The infuriated demons hurled on gods huge rocks dislodged from the hilltops and uprooted massive trees. But the gods without losing heart went on fighting. The repeated attacks with rocks, giant trees and varieties of weapons only brought exhaustion and not victory to the demons. The Gods had the Grace of Vishnu. All the efforts of demons were rendered futile. After many demons were killed, the rest of them began to flee from the battlefield.

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About Dadheechi
For You Only This Knowledge
May Indra's Word Be Honoured Also Let us Get Knowledge
Will You Please Give Back Our Weapons?
Who Is saviour
Save Us By Giving Your life
Worthy Donation
War Preparations
You are Here! The War Starts
Vrita The Brave
Dadheechi's Donation Was Worth While