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Atomic Energy the Only Foundation

The consumption of energy in the world is on the increase. Naturally available resources of energy like coal and oil are on the decrease. Added to this, there is shortage of hydel energy in certain places. Realizing this, Bhabha declared that atomic energy is the only foundation for the progress of industries in India. He suggested that producing electricity
could effect economy by nuclear methods.

Electronic instrumentation is required in all spheres of atomic energy work. Bhabha
prepared blueprints for various projects relating to electronic instruments. Nuclear
instruments worth a few millions are fabricated at Trombay every year. At present Trombay turns out over 2,000 electronic instruments annually. They include radiation survey meters, amplifiers and spectrometers.

The Electronic Corporation of India also manufactures many electronic instruments. All this has been possible because of the far-sightedness of Bhabha.

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About Homi Bhabha
The Boy-Scientist
Education And Research
Devotion To Fine Arts
Research Pursued
The Study Of Cosmic Rays
In Bangalore
A New Climate Created
Towards Deeper Study Of Atomic Energy
The Trombay Institute
You are Here! Atomic Energy -- The Only Foundation
Assistance To Centres
Building Up A Team Of Scientists
His Contribution
A Many-Faceted Personality
The Road To Excellence
Life Is For Living
Scientist -Artist-Leader
Bridging Two Cultures
The Tragic End