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Deeper Study of Atomic Energy
India got independence on August 15, 1947. Eleven days later, on August 26, 1947, Bhabha
addressed the Atomic Energy Research Committee as follows:
"We meet today at the beginning of a new chapter in our history. We have great hopes
that this new chapter will be a glorious one. The development and use of atomic energy is
a question of national importance. We hope to establish soon an Atomic Research Center
comparable with those in the most advanced countries."
A year later, the Atomic Energy Commission was formed. Bhabha was appointed Chairman of
the Commission.
The major responsibilities of the Com- mission were: a survey of Indian soil for the
materials required for nuclearresearch, the construction of atomic reactors, the
purification of atomic materials, conducting fundamental research and the formulation of
training program.
The Commission utilized the services of scientists at the Tata Institute of Fundamental
Research. The scope of the work of the Commission was enlarged. The Atomic Energy
programme took a concrete shape. The Department of Atomic Energy thus came into existence
as a separate department of the Government of India in 1954, under the direct control of
Prime Minister Nehru. Bhabha became the Ex-officio Secretary of the Department.
Shortly after the formation of the Department of Atomic Energy, it was decided to create
the Atomic Energy Establishment for application of atomic energy to peaceful purposes.
Bhabha became its first Director. The Establish- ment was formally inaugurated by
Jawaharlal Nehru on January 20,1957.
Thus India began to win new laurels for the study of atomic energy. Bhabha worked
ceaselessly and enriched the sphere of science in the country. Through out his
directorship, he emphasized indigenous know-how to make the country self-reliant in the
nuclear field.
J. R. D. Tata and Jawaharlal Nehru gave support and encouragement to Bhabha in his work.
Pandit Nehru very much appreciated the efficiency, farsightedness and patriotism of
Bhabha. Bhabha was very close to Nehru and enjoyed his confidence. As a result, Bhabha got
considerable freedom to carry on his work with ease and efficiency. Bhabha framed
administrative rules to suit the tempo, of scientific activity. He helped to get rid
of lethargy and red-tapism which were obstacles to the progress of science. One of
Bhabha's achievements was that he persuaded the Government to take greater interest in
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