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A New Path

A new priest came to the temple near his house. He took a liking to young Ramaprasad. Under his healthy influence Ramaprasad gradually gave up the bad habits he had cultivated.He learnt therituals of worship. At school,too, he found a good friend in Sushil Chandra Sen and he gave up smoking, too.

A gentleman by name Munshi Indrajeet once saw young Ramaprasad performing
worship and was pleased very much. Munshiji taught Ramaprasad 'Sandhya- vandana' (the traditional prayers). He told him quite a good deal about the Arya Samaj. Ramaprasad read the 'Sathyartha Praksha' by the great sage Swami Dayanand.This book influenced him deeply. It showed him the way to a brave life. Realizing the importance of Brahma- charya (not seeking pleasures of thebody), Ramaprasad practiced it in word, thought and deed. He gave up the evening meal. He also gave up savory and sour dishes and the use of salt.The practice ofBrahma- charya and regular exercises made his face radiant and his body strong as steel.

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About Ramaprasad Bismal
The Brave Freedom Fighter


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