Extraordinary Genius
Secondly, Rajaji was an extraordinary
genius. He was known for his sharp intellect. He could grasp any subject
easily. He could pinpoint in a split-second the essence of any situation
or problem. Because of such clear thinking and sharp understanding, his
speech was also balanced, clear and to the point.
As an administrator he displayed dareness
and a keen intelligence.
He was the Chief Minister of Madras
in 1937. Then he introduced prohibition. This was being done for the very
first time in India. But prohibition meant loss ofrevenue to Government.
So he introduced Sales Tax for the first time. Many economists also welcomed
the measure.
The farmers in our country were bowed
and crippled by the weight of debts. Every farmers family was in debt,
and the every interest on it was enough to ruin the family. A farmer was
born as a debtor, and he lived as a debtor and finally died in the same
conditions. To remove this pernicious evil, Rajaji brought in a new regulation.
He banned the charging of unreasonably high interest.
As Chief Minister of Madras, Rajaji
had laid for himself a very high code of conduct, others would have found
it impossible to follow it. He exercised great caution to see that he and
his Ministers remained untouched by corruption. He always went to the State
Legislative Assembly ready to answer any question or supplementary.
He had asked other ministers also
to be similarly prepared.
In 1952, Rajaji again became the Chief
Minister of Madras. He removed allcontrols on foodgrains. Several Ministers
at the Center and also others thought that Rajaji had taken a wrong and
hasty step. But soon it was evident that what he did was right. So all
over the country, the controls on foodgrains were removed. Two years later
he felt that the educational system in the State should be radically changed.
There was great opposition to this. So he resigned. |