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The wife of the great Pandavas renowned alike for her loveliness and her granite will. Volcanic, she reduced her enemies to the ashes. But her story is a saga of suffering. This fiery princess bent on vengeance could be compassionate and generous, too.

Author:Padma Shenoy


It was early morning. Mother was already up and at her work. As usual she chanted some slokas (short stanzas in Sanskrit) as she did her household duties.

After a few slokas in praise of the Lord, there was one, which began with the names of the sacred rivers of the land – the Ganga, the Godavari, the Brahmaputra, the Gomati and the Saraswati.

Mother chanted the sacred names of pure and virtuous women of olden days - Ahalya, Draupadi. Seetha, Thara and Mandodari.

Little Usha was awake. Having heard these slokas every morning she too had learnt them by heart.

But merely singing the slokas along with Mother would not satisfy Usha. She was now of an age when children want to know everything. She would ask so many questions. Where was the river Ganga born? Which sea did the river Godavari join?… And many more questions.

Today also little Usha asked a question.

"Mother, who was Draupadi?"

Mother caressed little Usha and said, "Draupadi was a heroic princess. One who was firm. A woman with an unbending will. She was greatly devoted to Lord Krishna. Usha, now read your lessons. In the night I shall tell you the story of Draupadi."

At night, the mother was eager to narrate the story, the daughter was eager to listen to it.

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About Draupadi
You are Here! Introduction
Challenge To Archers
Who Was The Brahmin?
Queen Of The Pandavas
The Great Stake
Draupadi's Only Shield -   God's Grace
'Only After You Are Punished...'
The Pandavas In The Forest
'We Are In The Jaws Of Death'
The Vile Jayadratha
Once Again In Danger
Keechaka Is Killed
'Krishna, Let There Be War'
A Vow Fulfilled
Sorrow Follows Sorrow
To Heaven
Such Beauty ! And Such Suffering!
The Unforgettable Heroine