Great Poets
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Biographies of Great Indians & Hindus


At College

Bankim Chandra finished his early education at Midnapur. He joined the Mohsin College at Hoogly and studied there for six years. Even there he was known for his brilliance. His teachers were all admiration for his intelligence. With the greatest ease Bankim Chandra passed his examinations in the first class and won many prizes.

He was not very enthusiastic about sports. But he was not a student who was glued to his textbooks. Much of his leisure was spent in reading books other than his texts. He was very much interested in the study of Sanskrit. He would read and understand Sanskrit books on his own. He was struck by the beauty of that language. Bankim Chandra's study of Sanskrit stood him in good stead. Later when he wrote books in Bengali this background of Sanskrit was of great help to him.

There was no set rule for his study of books. It was enough that a particular book
attracted his attention. He would pore over it for hours on end in some corner of the
college library. He used to spend most of the academic year in this way, reading books other than his texts. And as the examinations drew near he would race through the texts. But it made nodifference for, as usual, he would pass in the first class, and win prizes. And then again he would keep away from texts.

In 1856 he joined the Presidency College in Calcutta. The next Year, in 1857, soldiers of the Indian army rose in mutiny; the mutiny was bid to gain freedom. Calcutta was all confusion during this time. But Bankim Chandra's studies went on as usual. He sat for the B.A. Examination along with eleven candidates. Both Bankim Chandra and his friend Yadunath Bose passed. The Lieutenant Governor of Calcutta appointed Bankim Chandra as Deputy Collector in the same year. We may recall that his father Yadav Chandra had also rendered service as Deputy Collector. According to his father's wishes
Bankim Chandra accepted the appoint- ment. He was then twenty years old.Having
developed an interest in the study of Law he got through effortlessly in the B. L. Degree examination, too.

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About Bankim Chandra
The Prodigy
You are Here! At College
An Undaunted Officer
Unhappy At Home, Too
Bankim Chandra The Writer
The Last Three Years
Bankim Chandra The Novelist
Other Novels
A New Path
The Vision Of Lord Krishna
A Great Writer And A Great Teacher