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Meeting The Mother Again

Nelliappa lyer, one of Venkataramana's uncles, somehow learnt that Venkata Ramana did tapas and became a sanyasin. Alagammal sent him to bring her son home. He arrived at Arunachala. What if he arrived? His efforts to take the boy home were in vain. He returned home disappointed and informed the fact to Alagammal.

Alagammal herself went to Tiruvanna malai. Her eldest son also went with her. Though Venkataramana recognized his mother, he did not say a word to her. The mother cried and wept. Venkataramana remained silent. One of the pilgrims was observing the mother's grief and the son's firmness of mind. He felt pity for the mother. On behalf of the mother, he requested Venkataramana at least to write on a piece of paper what he wanted to convey to her. Venkataramana wrote as follows: -Everyone has to work according to "Prarabdha Karma" (result of the action done in past life carried to the present). However much one may strive, what cannot happen will not happen. In the same way, however much one may resist, what has to happen will happen.Therefore, the one and only way open to every person is to carry out his duty.' Alagammal had to return home disappointed with a heavy heart.

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About Ramana Maharshi
The Body Is Not'I'
The Boy Leaves Home
The Journey
The ship Reaches The Port
You are Here! Meeting The Mother Again
The Family Grows
Mother And Father
The Ashram
Thieves There Too
Love For All Living Beings
Life In The Ashram
What Courage!
The Last Days