Jarasandha, the powerful King of Magadha, was the father-in-law of
Kamsa. He had a powerful army.
He was angry with Krishna for killing Kamsa and was roused to fury by the distress of
his daughters. He was determined to kill Krishna. He marched with a big army to Mathura.
Krishna mobilised the Yadava youths.Jarasandha's army camped outside the fort. Krishna
attacked the enemy's forces like lightning. The Magadha soldiers fled. Jarasandha was
filled with shame. He invaded Mathura with a much bigger force. Several kings also joined
Krishna's army met the enemy half way and attacked even before Jarasandha could reach
Mathura. The Magadha forces were not prepared for this assault.
In the confusion their own elephants crushed them. But again and again Jarasandha
attacked Mathura and did so seventeen times.
But how long could this kind of war go on? Krishna observed that the strength of the
Yadavas was diminishing. It is not enough to fight heroically on the battlefield. When one
is at a disadvantage one should retreat from the battlefield, and should strike again at
the right moment and destroy the enemies.
When the Magadha forces attacked for the seventeenth time Krishna led all his people to
Dwaraka, by a secret route.
Why did Krishna go to Dwaraka? It was a city he himself had built to protect the
Yadavas from Jarasandha. Dwaraka was surrounded by the sea. And it was an
impregnable fortress.