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Multifaced Diamond

Madana, Mohana was a born poet. When he was fifteen or sixteen years of age he had begun composing poems. Within a short time he was not only considered as an accomplished poet but also became famous as a poet. His nom de plume (the name he used as a writer) was Makaranda'. His first composition was 'Radhika Rani'.

The second meeting of the Indian National Congress was held in Calcutta. Dadabhai Naoroji, the great leader, was the distinguished president of the session. There was a huge gathering. At that colorful gathering, advised by his teacher, a young man went up the rostrum. Well, he began his speech. The youth's words, charged with deep patriotism, flowed steadily and majestically like the Ganga. The hearers were glad. They were there to listen to him when the lecture over the entire audience cheered. The founder of the Congress, Hume, later described Madana Mohan Malaviya's speech as 'unforgettable'.

It was at this session that Maharaja Shri Ram Pal Singh met Malaviya. He was the proprietor of a daily 'The Hindusthan'. He requested Madana Mohana to accept the editorship of the daily and made over its management entirely to him.

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About Madana Mohana Malaviya
Against The Tide
The Prayer
A Fortunate Name
Early Education
The Little Scholar
'I Was Fortunate'
A New School
A Graduate
An assembly of Scholars
The Perfect Wife
You are Here! Multifaced Diamond
The Lawyer
'The Teacher Of the Nation'
The Dream Of A University
The Site
The Converted Donor
The Emperor Of Beggers
Benares Hindu University
The Home Of Indian Culture
The Ideal Journalist
At The Round Table Conference
Daily Routine
Master Of Many Languages

A Revolutionary

The End Of The Journey
The Way Of Malaviya