In those days the British ruled
India. The British Government was considering the question of giving India Swaraj (or
'self-rule'). The second Round Table Conference met in London in 1931. Some leaders of
India had to attend the Conference for discussions with the British Government. Mahatma
Gandhi decided to take Malaviya with him.
Malaviya was highly religious. When he had to go to London he decided to take with him
the water of the holy Ganga and prepared for the voyage.
His role at the Round Table Conference in London will be remembered forever. In his
book 'Indian Dairy', Montague has spoken appreciatively of Malaviya's part in the
Conference. Similarly Tej Bahadur Sapru also has heartily praised the unequalled courage
of Malaviya. Thus Malaviya won the hearts of eminent politicians in distant lands by his