Great Personalities
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Biographies of Great Indians & Hindus


Master of Many Languages

Malaviya knew many languages. He was an extraordinary scholar in English, Hindi, Urdu and Sanskrit. When he spoke in English he did not use a single word of any other language. And when he was speaking in Sanskrit it seemed as if his tongue was graced with the presence of Saraswathi, the Goddess of Learning.

His writing was as moving as his speech. His writings captured the Madana Mohana Malaviya reader's heart. In brief, his words were pearls and his writing golden.

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About Madana Mohana Malaviya
Against The Tide
The Prayer
A Fortunate Name
Early Education
The Little Scholar
'I Was Fortunate'
A New School
A Graduate
An assembly of Scholars
The Perfect Wife
Multifaced Diamond
The Lawyer
'The Teacher Of the Nation'
The Dream Of A University
The Site
The Converted Donor
The Emperor Of Beggers
Benares Hindu University
The Home Of Indian Culture
The Ideal Journalist
At The Round Table Conference
Daily Routine
You are Here! Master Of Many Languages

A Revolutionary

The End Of The Journey
The Way Of Malaviya