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Vishwamitra Arrives as a Guest

Vasishta's tapas, patience and the aura of God-realization were so great that king Vishwamitra was influenced by him to give up his kingship and desired to become a Rishi like Vasishta.

Vishwamitra was a king. He went to the forest to hunt. Once, after hunting he was returning with his tired army and happened to pass through Vasishta's Ashram. He wished to pay his kingship and desired to respects to Vasishta. Vishwamitra saluted Vasishta with proper respect and humility. Vasishta was glad to meet king Vishwamitra. He entertained the king and his army with fruits and other delicacies and spoke to him with affection.

Vishwamitra got ready to depart after this. Then Vasishta said, "Vishwamitra, you are a guest here. You and your army may take food and rest here and then depart."

Vishwamitra thought, 'My army is big. If all of us stay here for food, the inhabitants in the Ashram will be put to hardship'. He said aloud, "Great soul, we are all satisfied with your kind words. I am fortunate to have met you. I thank you for your kindness. Extend the same love always. Allow us to depart." Vasishta said, "King, do not feel embarrassed. I do not feel happy if you go away without taking food. All of you should stay back." Vishwamitra agreed to do so since Vasishta pressed him.

As a result of Nandini's divine powers there were large quantities sweets and other eatables. Vishwamitra and his followers ate to their heart content.

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About Vasishta
Kulapati (Acharya, The Teacher)
You are Here! Vishwamitra Arrives as a Guest
Guest Becomes Enemy
Power Of Tapas
Hariscandra, Disciple of Vasishta
Shakti - Vasishta's Son
Embodiment Of Forgiveness
There is No Greater Virtue Than patience
If We Do Not Conquer 'I' The Ego...
Brahmarshi Vishwamitra
A Great Soul's Anger Also Is For The Good Of The World
If Non-Violence Does Not Succeed...
A Real Priest
Nectar Of Words For People In Sorrow
Exponent Of Work - Mindedness