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The Great beloved who offered Flowers she had worn

That day Periyalwar had not the mind to offer the garland to God. Vatapatrashayi did not get his daily garland. Periyalwar came to God empty-handed and prayed to Him to forgive his daughter who had done wrong in her ignorance.

God Vatapatrashayi seemed to speak. "Periyalwar, the garland worn by your daughter has the sweet fragrance of her devotion and purity; that is the garland I love."

Alwar was very much astonished and was happy. He had been worshipping God for a very long time to gain His grace. And God had responded to the devotion of this young teenaged girl! 'My daughter is very fortunate. She has, gained the grace of God! She has excelled me in divine knowledge! I did not realize this, 'he thought. He was full of repentance. He offered to God the very garland worn by his daughter. From that day God came to be worshiped with the garland which Andal had worn before. She came to be called
'Shoodikkodutta. Naacchiyaar'(the Beloved who first wore the flowers and then offered
them to God). She was very happy. She won over Periyalwar by her qualities and indeed became 'Andal' (one who attracts).

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About Andal
The King's Problem
In A Garden
Vishnuchitta Comes To Madurai
The Great Alwar
The Treasure In The Earth
God Alone Should Help It!
The First BirthdayGod's Gracious Gift
Andal's Childhood
'I Too, Must Please The Lord'
'What Has My Daughter Done!'
You are Here! The Great Beloved Who Offered Flowers She Had Worn
A Light To Friends
Andal's Teaching
'Shriranganatha Is My Husband'
'Andal Has Won My Hear'
Shriranganatha's Wife
Andal's Garland Of Poems
The Story Of a Florist
Let Your Devotion Find Expression In Hard Work
They Belong To All Mankind
The Path Of Surrender
Awakening The Lord From His Sleep
Man Has To Awaken From Sleep, Too
The Divine Mother
Beyond Man's Understanding
A Meaningful Life