Worries about Sakhu
After leaving her daughter-at her husband 's place, Sakhu's mother was
constantly worried about her. "She is a very young girl. It would have been better it
we had brought her," she used to lament, Worried for her daughter,she would even
forgether daily domestic chores. The calf in their shed would shout 'Ambaa' before she
rushed to feed her grass."It our Shaku was here, you would have your food on
time," she would mutter caressing the calf.There were no modern postal facilities at
that time, you see. So they had to seek infor- mation about their daughter from travelers
and the sadhus who went from town to town and came after visiting Sakhu'splace. When
guests came from Karaveerapura, they would inquire about their daughter. But, at the
outset, they were disheartened.
After leaving Sakhu at her father-in-law's house, they never had nay information about
that household. On the verge of a breakdown, Sakhu's mother entreated her husband that
they go to Karaveerapura and he, equally worried, readily agreed. The couple started on
their journey in happy anticipation of seeing their daughter living a good, comfortable