Great Kings & Queens
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Biographies of Great Indians & Hindus



An illustrions king of the solar dynasty; an ancestor of Sri Rama. Though renowned for his valor, Dileepa tended the celestial cow Nandini like a cowherd. In an ultimate act of piety, he offered himself as food to a lion to protect Nandini, and thus proved his worthiness in a test posed by Nandini herself. After covering himself with glory, he gave up the kingdom and spent his last years in meditation in forest,setting a noble ideal.

Author - T.Keshava Bhatta


"Please leave the cow. You can eat my own body, and feel satisfied. Being a friend, do accede to my request."

An Emperor known for his valor thus begged of a lion. How strange! Being so valiant, why did he not kill the lion? Further more, instead of living in grandeur and happiness like a king of kings, why give his body to the lion for the sake of a cow?
Isn't it strange?

Yet, how good and dignified does it show the Emperor to be! His is a very interesting

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About Dileepa
You are Here! Introduction
The Holy Sun-Dynasty
People's Fortune
Both Are Worried
The Sages
If The Worthy Are Not Respected
Here's Nandini, Serve Her
Nandini's Guard
A Lion !
"Leave This Cow And Go!"
"Eat Me Up"
"Are You So Stupid?"
"Oblige Me, A Friend"
What's This?
Blessing Are Fruitful
Darling Of His Parents
The Heir - Apparent, Raghu
A Fruitful Life