In Vikramaditya's, days women held high
places and took part in the administration.
There is an impression that in India women did not have much freedom and were
practically imprisoned in the kitchen. But this is not true. Even in ancient India there
were women famous for their learning. It is clear from the pages of Indian history that
many women were efficient rulers and even led armies on the battlefield and fought
valiantly. The place accorded to women in the days for Vikramaditya is truly surprising.
Women enjoyed all the necessary facilities education. They excelled in music, dancing and
other fine arts. Besides, they helped the king in governing the state. His queen
Ketaladevi ruled over Shiraguppe, Kolanoor and other cities. Dronapura was under the rule
of Lakshmi, another queen. Yet another queen, Chandralekha, did much in the field of
education. Mailala Mahadevi built a temple for the god Malleshwara.