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'Sarve Janah Sukhino Bhavantu'

The Guru did not desire anyone to give up his religion and accept that of another. This indeed is the universal message that Narayana Guru has left for the world. This has in it the deep desire of the prayer 'Sarve Janah Sukhino Bhavantu' (May all men be happy). The Guru's greatness lies in giving a practical shape to this ideal. This is the age-old principle that Guruhood has given to mankind from the earliest times. If this is practiced in life, truly, the earth will be transformed into Heaven. As a Samskrita Poet has said, 'Shivamastu Jagatam' – the world becomes filled with 'Shiva' i.e., bliss and well being.

Narayana Guru's literature is uplifting in nature. The Guru also encouraged and inspired many young men to become writers. Kumaran Asan, the first Poet Laureate of Kerala, came into prominence because of the Guru's direct help.

Narayana Guru is worthy of the highest respect as a symbol of immortalGuruhood.

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About Narayana Guru
The 'Word' of the Guru
Blessed Souls In The Land Of Beauty
Nanu's Parents
Nanu Becomes Nanu Asan
Nanu's Wife
Yogi Nanu
Dedicating The Temple : A New Way
Narayana Guru
Compassion Personified
The Gentle Reformer
In Varkala
'Om Sahodaryam Sarvatra'
Two Memorable Events
The Vykom Satyagraha
The Passing Away Of The Guru
Uplifting Literature
You are Here! 'Sarve Janah Sukhino Bhavantu'
The Way Shown By Te Guru
Some Sayings Of The Guru