Freedom Fighters
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Biographies of Great Indians & Hindus


Khudiram Initiated

Love of his country had come to Khudiram with his mother's milk. It was at this time he was initiated into revolution. The cry of Vande Mataram' which was then heard everywhere caught his imagination. He watched with interest the different forms of protest against the partition of Bengal. Watching them he could not be silent. He wanted to know their background. When he read 'Anandamata', he got a clearvision of his life's task. He decided to dedicate his life to the service of the Mother. He admired the way of revolutionaries who were determined to organize patriotic men, and fight bravely against the foreign rulers to free the country from slavery. The revolutionaries had sacrificed their family, relations, wealth and everything. They had dedicated themselves to the service of the Motherland. Men of a noble character and a pure life, they were not afraid of any hard ship. Khudiram too desired to become one of such revolutionaries. He made friends with them. They tested him in several ways and he proved his worth. At last he was initiated into the service of the country. So his formal education ended.

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About Khudiram Bose
'Take Care, Don't Touch My Body!'
Who Was This Boy?
A Born Patriot
No Disease Worse Than Slavery
The Sacred Phrase
The Stirring 'Mantra'
The Division Of Bengal
You are Here! Khudiram Initiated
Spreading The Gospel Of 'Vande Mataram'
Patriots Tortured
The Newspaper That Terrified The Rulers
The Lion's Cub Provoked
Kingsford's Cruelty
The Vow Of Revenge
Preparations For Kingsford's Murder
The Prey Missed
The Lion's Cub Caught
Profulla's Sacrifice
'I Know Better'

Back To The Mother's Lap

An Inspiration