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A Light Sixty Years Old

In 1916, Tilak completed sixty years of a fruitful life. Scholars, leaders and friends thronged his house on the occasion of the sixtieth birthday celebrations.

Tilak was honoured with the presentation of an Address of Felicitations and a purse of one lakh rupees. The celebrations were on a grand scale. The Lokamanya gave away the money to be used in the service of the country.

The government also gave him a present on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday! On the day before his birthday,the government served him with a notice; it ordered , him to give a surety of Rs. 20000, for his good behaviour for one year !

His body gradually grew weaker. His talks and writings were not as fiery as before. Yet he successfully tried to unify the divided Congress. 

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About Tilak
Intelligent But Mischievous
Dedication to the Country
The New School-A Banyan Tree
World of Journalism
Farewell To His Own Institution
Significant Years
Government's Celebrations Amidst Corpses
"Has the Government gone mad?"
A Lion Even In The Cage
National Leader
The Sacred Word: 'Swadeshi'
A Shameless Government
The Country's Misfortune
Exciled from the Country
A Scholar And a Hero Even In Jail
In India
Swaraj - Our Birth Right!
You are Here! A Light Sixty Years Old
In England
The Lion of India is No More
A Great Life A Great Man