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Biographies of Great Indians & Hindus


The Lion Of India Is No More

In 'the World War, the British sought the help of Indi ans. Victory in the war intoxi- cated the British and tyranny was let. loose in India.

When the Rowlat Act was opposed, the 'Jailianwala Bagh Massacre' took place. The heartless government murdered in cold blood hundreds of unarmed civilians in a brutal way.

On hearing this, Tilak rushed back to India at once. He issued a call to the Indians not to stop their movement no matter what happend, till their demands were met.

The Lokamanya had become very weak by this time. The body was tired and yet, he undertook tours to awaken the people. He visited Sangli, Hyderabad, Karachi, Sollapur and Kashi and lectured at all these places. Later he came of Bombay.

In July 1920, his condition worsened. In the early hours of 1st August, the light went out.

Even as this sad news was spreading, a veritable ocean of people surged to his house to have the last glimpse of their beloved leader. Two lakhs of people witnessed his last journey. Mahatma Gandhi, Lala Lajpat Rai, Shaukat Ali and others shouldered the bier by turns.

Tilak's was a magnificent life and he was every way worthy of the people's homage. He led a simple life, and offered himself, body and soul, to the service of hiscountry. Tilak had no property. His, clothes were very simple. A dhoti, a shirt, a shawl on the shoulder and a red 'Pagadi' (a marathi cap) on his head - this was all he wore.

The Lokamanya's wife Sathyabhama also was very simple like her husband. She never wore costly dress. She spent all her life in working for the family and in looking after guests. At the time of her death, she longed to see her husband. But that was not to be. Tilak was in the Mandalay jail at that time. 

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About Tilak
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Dedication to the Country
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World of Journalism
Farewell To His Own Institution
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The Country's Misfortune
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In India
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In England
You are Here! The Lion of India is No More
A Great Life A Great Man