Great Leaders
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Biographies of Great Indians & Hindus
Protective Hand

Along with the intensification of the freedom struggle, the demand for the formation of Pakistan also became louder as a result of the poisonous seed sown by the British. The country witnessed ever increasingincidences of -atrocities, violence, riots, coercion, etc. The Sangh work was expanding to far-off places like Lahore, Rawalpindi, and Punjab-Sindh province. Swayamsevaks engaged themselves in giving succor to the people fallen prey to such violence and loss. These violent riots were then being carried out, strictly according to their pre- determined plans only to impress upon the Government -the irreversibility of the demand for a separate homeland for the Muslims. The Swayamsevaks took up the onerous task of preventing such riots often at the cost of their lives. They arranged for safe migration of thousands at great risk, but with exemplary courage, skill and determination. Camps were organized for the migrants and for their medical care and security needs. Being the moving spirit behind this massive effort, Guru went round these places bringing consolation through hit soothing words, giving them courage, confidence and guidance as also 
personally supervising the arrangements for food, shelter and security. He presented a living example of humanitarian concern and courage. Once, he unhesitatingly walked across a broken, blown-up bridge over an uproarious river on his way from Jalandhar to Ludhiana. He thus set his own glowing example of uncompromising dedication to the society before the Swayamsevaks.

However, the undesirable partition of our country did take place. The agonies and travails of partition accompanied the joy of freedom.

30 January 1948. Guru was in Madras on that day. The evening brought the heart-rending news of the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi. "The brutal murder of a most revered person of the modern era is a monstrous act. I am extremely aggrieved by it" - Guru condoled.

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About M.S.Golwalkar
In College
Won Over By Kashi
In Madras
Prof.Golwalkar 'Guruji'
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh
'For Another Cause'
A Fountain Of Inspiration
hand.gif (968 bytes) Protective Hand
In The Service Of People Again
Vishwa Hindu Parishad
Declining Health
To Immortal Glory
Thus Spake Guruji