Great Leaders
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Biographies of Great Indians & Hindus



In 1934, Guru was made the Karyavaha (executive) of the Kendriya Shakha at Nagpur. Doctor had noticed the inexhaustible enthusiasm and devotion bubbling in this youth, and gradually went on assigning to him more and more responsibilities. On the advice of Doctor, Guru went to Mumbai as Sangh Pracharak (organizer) for a time.

Guru's parents naturally felt that Madhav should marry now. But Guru avoided it saying I am willing to marry for your sake. But I don't have the slightest interest in it." The parents did not pursue the matter further. Guru was quite good at law; but it was beyond him to employ false witnesses or evidence, as lawyers are prone to do. Thus Golwalkar became known as an advocate ' who is preferable for cases needing intellectual arguments, but not for the general run of 'appeal' cases.

One fine day Guru was missing!

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About M.S.Golwalkar
In College
Won Over By Kashi
In Madras
Prof.Golwalkar 'Guruji'

Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh

hand.gif (968 bytes) Karyavaha
'For Another Cause'

A Fountain Of Inspiration

Protective Hand


In The Service Of People Again
Vishwa Hindu Parishad
Declining Health
To Immortal Glory
Thus Spake Guruji