Great Leaders
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Biographies of Great Indians & Hindus



It was Madhu's practice to complete reading his class textbooks in the house itself, and utilize his time in the school to study other general books. However, he never lagged behind in his school studies. In fact, he was always the first to reply to any question asked by the teachers.

Bhauji was from time to time transferred from one place to another. The new places provided fresh opportunities for Madhu to enlarge his friends' circle. Marathi of course was his mother tongue. But he soon acquired familiarity with Sanskrit, Hindi and English too. He wrote letters to his friends in English. He was seldom alone; while walking he was invariably accompanied by a group of friends.

He never forgot his friends even after leaving that place. He maintained his intimate contact with them through letters.

Madhu completed Middle School and High School education creditably. The physical culture instructor in High School was particularly fond of him, as he excelled in physical exercises also. He continued to train Madhu even after he completed matriculation, as Madhu always strove to attain a high level of proficiency in whatever he attempted.

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About M.S.Golwalkar
hand.gif (968 bytes) Study
In College
Won Over By Kashi
In Madras
Prof.Golwalkar 'Guruji'

Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh

'For Another Cause'

A Fountain Of Inspiration

Protective Hand


In The Service Of People Again
Vishwa Hindu Parishad
Declining Health
To Immortal Glory
Thus Spake Guruji