Chanakya had his education at
a famous school in a city well known in those days as Takshashila (corrupted later into
'Taxila'). The teachers at Takshashila were great scholars known all over the world.
Students from different parts of Bharat went there for their education. Even kings sent
their sons for education there. It is said that a certain teacher there had one hundred
and one students and all of them were princes!
Generally a student entered the University of Takshashila at the age of sixteen. The
four Vedas, archery, hunting,elephant-lore, and eighteen arts were being taught there.
The faculties there, which taught law, medicine and warfare, were famous not only in
Bharat but also abroad.
Such was the center where Chanakya had his education. With this education, his inherent
brilliance because like a polished diamond.