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Another Legend

Devotees narrate another story, which also illustrates the acharya's greatness. The acharya returned to Kanchipuram to settle there, in deference to the wishes of his friends. There lived a bachelor in that town. He was longing to get married and he needed money for this purpose. Some
mischief-makers suggested to the young man: "Go to Deshikar and ask for money. He is quite well-to-do and he can well afford to give you money." The naive youth was taken in by these words. He went to Deshikar and begged for some money. But the acharya was penniless. It was clear to him that somebody had played a practical joke on him. But he made up his mind to help the needy young man. He composed a hymn 'Sristuff and prayed to Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth. The deity relented and sent a shower of gold. The young man was greatly pleased by the acharya's bountifulness.

Such stories speak of Deshikar's self- denial altruistic spirit. He desired no power or pelf ion himself. He always pitied the poor and he went out of the way to help them. Who can deny that a man of such tremendous self-sacrifice was capable of performing miracles when occasions demanded?

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