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Can You Build A Stone Structure?

Once, a curious incident happened. A stone mason came to Deshikar and said: "They all say you are an all knowing, all-powerful man. Can you erect a stone building? Show me if you can. If you can do it, I shall accept your superiority."

Deshikar was averse to performing such feats and acquiring glory. He replied:

"Let people say what they like. I am not concerned. I don't want any such wagers with you."

But the man was insistent. Although Deshikar never aspired for personal glory, he wanted to teach the man a lesson.

He constructed a well by the side of his house. The stone mason marveled at the exquisite masonry. Even he, an expert mason, could not discover a single blemish in the structure.

He fell at Deshikar's feet and apologized. Subsequently, he became one of 'his followers.

Deshikar never thought it beneath his dignity to work with his hands. Contemplation of God and manual labor did not go ill together, in his thinking.
He believed in the dignity of labor.

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