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Precept and Practice

Deshikar taught the people the value of pure life. He practiced what he taught. "Man's life must be cleansed of passions. One must never utter lies. One must not harm others." "When we pray to God we must ask Him for devotion, for knowledge, and nothing else." 'We must try to please the gentle and the good. We must follow in the footsteps of the pious. We must dread sins. We must treat worldly pleasures with contempt. We have to put our safety in the hands of God and ever wait for his mercy." These are some of his teachings.

He lived up to these ideals. He did not feel elated when honors came, nor was he depressed when he had to face adversity. He lived a life of purity, a life as pure as the pellucid waters of the ganges.

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About Vedanta Deshikar
Magnificent Personality
"Fortune Has Favoured Me Today"
The Parents Go To Tirupati
Precocious Child
A Consummate, Versatile Scholar
To Tiruvahindrapura
"Worms In The Rice"
A Life Dedicated To The Service Of God
Another Legend
Can You Build A Stone Structure?
At Sriranga
"He Is A Greater Poet Then I"
Trial After Trial
Melkote Wears Festive Look
"We Belong To The Lord"
At Satyamagala
Another Mighty Feat
Good Days Again
A Great And Pious Life
"The Lord's Call Has Come"
Literary Works
You are Here! Precept And Practice
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