Thus the story of Parashurama is one
of the most exciting episodes is our mythology. Parashurama was not only a great hero; he
was also a savant rich in wisdom. Just before the Mahabharata war, Lord Krishna visited
Duryodhana and advised him to hand one half of the kingdom in a just manner Parashurama at
that time was sitting a Duryodhana's court along with other dignitaries, and he too
counseled Duryodhana: "Pandavas have kept the word. You should now act justly
Give them their share of the kingdom Otherwise, that injustice may destroy you.' But
Duryodhana was adamant. He waged war in which thousands of people died. His own brothers,
near and dear relatives, friends - all perished, he had his leg betoken, and breathed his
Parashurama embodied several noble qualities. His utter devotion to his father whose
words he readily fulfilled, his great respect for his mother and regard for his brothers
for whose resurrection he ardently prayed, the determination with which he set about to
destroy the kingly clan which had brought about the death of his father, the generosity
with which he donated the lands he had conquered, his asking the sea-king for land up to
the point where the axe hit sea waters, his mastery in archery, and above all his
magnificent sense of 'Dharma' (virtuousness) -all these features shine in his life like
pure diamonds.
And therefore, Parashurama is hailed as the sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu.There is a
traditional verse, which is popular
'Ashwatthamo Bali Vyasah
Hanumanscha Vibhishanah
Kripah Parashuramascha
Saptaite Chirajeevinah'
Ashwatthama, Bali, Vyasa, Hanuman, Vibhishana, Kripa and Parashurama- these are the
seven eternal, ageless, immortal souls according to our traditional belief. In particular,
it is believed Parashurama is sitting even today in penance at Mahendra Mountain. Why this
great penance? Not for himself, but for the peace and happiness of the whole world.
Parashurama is thus one of our celebrated epic Heros who, down the ages, is acclaimed
as Vishnu's incarnation.