Seeing Kama burnt to ash by the third eye
of Shiva, Rati fainted.
When she regained consciousness, she was in tears and rolled on the ground in great
grief. She implored Parvati to give back to her husband as alms. She begged the angels.
Parvati in kindness caressed her and consoling her, said, "Rati, don't weep. I will
help you. I will beg Shiva and see that your husband comes back to life. You will have him
as husband again. As I now get the one who was my husband in the previous birth, so your
husband also will get another birth and have you as wife." She gave the assurance.
The angels also consoled Rati.
Parvati was 'greatly pained at the way in which Shiva had treated her. She told her
companions - "The merciful lord Shiva has not shown any kindness to me. Alas! He has
gone away rejecting me. While I was coming here to the spot of his meditation every day
and rendering service to him, He has disappeared without speaking a word to me. I know
that he cannot be won over by mere beauty or charm but will yield only to devotion. I
won't give up my devotion. I will please him with the hardest penance and draw him to
When Parvati told her mother of her resolve, Mena said, "My dear daughter, you
need not go out and perform penance. You have such a delicate body. Penance is a hard
thing. Do stay at home and do your tapas." Mena thus tried to dissuade her. But she
could not succeed.
Just then the sage Narada came there. Parvataraja told him about his daughter. The sage
said, "It is not proper to come in the way of her tapas." He saw Parvati
separately and told her to undertake her penance in the same place where Shiva was
meditating. He taught her the great 'Panchakshari the five-lettered mantra
(incantation) to please Shiva - "Om Namah Shivaaya and blessed her.