Gods & Goddesses
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Biographies of Great Indians & Hindus


Desire for a Daughter

Later Menadevi developed a great desire to have a daughter - a daughter with beauty and character, knowledge and wisdom. It was her ambition to have a daughter who would be Lord Shiva's wife. With that as her aim she decided to undertake a penance to please Shiva's wife,Gowridevi. Giriraja was himself a devotee of Shiva. So, getting his consent for her penance was not so difficult for Mena. Having obtained his permission, she went to a serene spot. There she performed her meditation with severe concentration and obtained the favour of Dakshayani who stood before Mena and promised that she would be born as daughter to her. Soon afterwards Mena became  pregnant. On an auspicious day she  gave birth to a female child. It was just as she had wanted. There was a shower of flowers. A cool, fragrant breeze spreading delight all around. Various instruments gave out music and musicians tune up festive songs. Giriraja gave gifts to everybody; his mind was overjoyed and his hands were tired.

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About Parvati
Parvataraja -Mena
hand.gif (968 bytes) Desire For A Daughter
The Wonder Child
Shiva In Penance
'This Is Certain'
The Sight Of Shiva
Only Manmatha Can Help
Kama Is Burnt
Path Of Penance
Parvati's Penance
Testing Time
'Ask The Elders"
Shiva Weds Parvati
Welfare Of The World
Extending The World's Knowledge