Sages,Rushis & Saints
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Biographies of Great Indians & Hindus


People who Lost Hope

Venkatanatharya was not the same person after he saw the razing of Srirangam. He had seen the vandalism of enemies. What surprised him was that people were not roused to any kind of activity even after this threat to their religion and culture. They were still inactive and full of apathy, The rulers who were supposed to protect the honor and lives of their subjects were selfish, lustful and miserly. Mallik Kafur had erected a pillar of victory at Rameshwaram as a symbol of his Victory. He had appointed his Governors at all places he had conquered and returned to Delhi with great wealth.

Sudarshana Bhatta at Srirangam, Venkatanatharya at Satyamangala and Madhavacharya at Pampakshetra were helpless. They did not know what to do.

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About Vidyaranya
Service of the People
Parentage and Childhood
At Kanchi
The Desire Of His Heart
Calamity at Srirangam
hand.gif (968 bytes) People Who Lost Hope
Battle-cry of Fearlessness
The Aim Of Life Made Clear
Will The Divine Architect Arrive
Loyalty to Religion ; Welfare State
The Ascetic
Holiest of the Holy Places

Let Your Auspicious Presence be Ever Present In Me

I Cannot Wait till My Next Birth
The Vow of a Saint
The Dawn
We Are Hakka and Bukka
Anegondi Captured
Devotee of Sharada, Goddess of Learning
Uncommon Saint