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Anegondi Captured

Mohammad Bin Tughlaq, Sultan of Delhi, had defeated Jambukeshwara Raya, King of Anegondi, and had him imprisoned in his own palace. He had appointed Mallik Nayab as his representative to rule over the State.

Hakka and Bukka organised a band of patriotic youths according to the advice of Vidyaranya. They entered the fort of Anegondi very cleverly and took Mallik Nayab prisoner when he was fully drunk. They had freed Anegondi without bloodshed from the enemies. They set free the King and his family. The flag bearing the symbol of Lord Vishnu in his incarnation as Varaha (Boar) was hoisted on the fort of Anegondi.'

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About Vidyaranya
Service of the People
Parentage and Childhood
At Kanchi
The Desire Of His Heart
Calamity at Srirangam
People Who Lost Hope
Battle-cry of Fearlessness
The Aim Of Life Made Clear
Will The Divine Architect Arrive
Loyalty to Religion ; Welfare State
The Ascetic
Holiest of the Holy Places

Let Your Auspicious Presence be Ever Present In Me

I Cannot Wait till My Next Birth
The Vow of a Saint
The Dawn
We Are Hakka and Bukka
hand.gif (968 bytes) Anegondi Captured
Devotee of Sharada, Goddess of Learning
Uncommon Saint