Sages,Rushis & Saints
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Biographies of Great Indians & Hindus


Parentage and Childhood

Madhavacharya's father was Mayanacharya. He was a pious man of a quiet nature. He had settled down in Pampakshetra (modern Hampe) and  lived peacefully and happily teaching his disciples.

He had an equally good wife, Srimatidevi. She too was of a quiet and pious nature. For a long time they had no children. They went on pilgrimage to many holy places. They performed many rituals and religious ceremonies with devotion. At last they had a son, about the year 1268. After observing the necessary rituals he was named Madhava.

After the birth of Madhava, they had two more sons and a daughter. The boys were named Sayana and Bhoganatha and the daughter was named Singala.

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About Vidyaranya
Service of the People
hand.gif (968 bytes) Parentage and Childhood
At Kanchi
The Desire Of His Heart
Calamity at Srirangam
People Who Lost Hope
Battle-cry of Fearlessness
The Aim Of Life Made Clear
Will The Divine Architect Arrive
Loyalty to Religion ; Welfare State
The Ascetic
Holiest of the Holy Places

Let Your Auspicious Presence be Ever Present In Me

I Cannot Wait till My Next Birth
The Vow of a Saint
The Dawn
We Are Hakka and Bukka
Anegondi Captured
Devotee of Sharada, Goddess of Learning
Uncommon Saint