Sages,Rushis & Saints
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Biographies of Great Indians & Hindus


At Kanchi

At that time Kanchi was famous as a great centre of learning in Dwaita, Adwaita and Vishishtadwaita systems of philosophy. There were competent teaches in different centers of learning who taught all the six systems of philosophy. Having heard of the fame of the teachers there, students from far-off places came to learn at their feet. Besides being the center of learning and culture, Kanchi was the capital of the Pallava kingdom.-

By Madhava's good fortune, he had a good teacher. Along with his brothers Madhava studied the six systems of philosophy, literature and art. He
became an expert in the vedas and Upanishads.

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About Vidyaranya
Service of the People
Parentage and Childhood
hand.gif (968 bytes) At Kanchi
The Desire Of His Heart
Calamity at Srirangam
People Who Lost Hope
Battle-cry of Fearlessness
The Aim Of Life Made Clear
Will The Divine Architect Arrive
Loyalty to Religion ; Welfare State
The Ascetic
Holiest of the Holy Places

Let Your Auspicious Presence be Ever Present In Me

I Cannot Wait till My Next Birth
The Vow of a Saint
The Dawn
We Are Hakka and Bukka
Anegondi Captured
Devotee of Sharada, Goddess of Learning
Uncommon Saint