Sages,Rushis & Saints
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Biographies of Great Indians & Hindus



At this critical moment Venkatanatharya, along with his friend Sudarshana Bhatta, was engaged in saving the valuable library.

Venkatanatharya was also called Vedanta Deshika. He hailed from a place called Satyamangala. He had come to Srirangam on a visit to his friend, Sudarshana Bhatta. It was at that moment that the invasion took place most unexpectedly. He came to the help of other residents in the sacred duty
of defending the town and its temple. The
invaders plundered the temple, they mutilated the imitation idol of God Sri Ranganatha, looted all the available valuables and returned satisfied. During this time Venkatanatharya and Sudarshana Bhatta concealed the valuable books in the sands on the banks of Cauvery and lay concealed for the whole night in a bush on the bank of the river.

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About Vidyaranya
Service of the People
Parentage and Childhood
At Kanchi
The Desire Of His Heart
Calamity at Srirangam
hand.gif (968 bytes) Venkatanatharya
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