Sages,Rushis & Saints
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Biographies of Great Indians & Hindus


The Arrangement

The Kukas went to the extent of establishing their own postal system. It was useful to send secret communications also. The Kukas chosen for this work relayed the letters. They used to travel on foot with the letters avoiding the highways, each carrier handing over the letters to the next person. Sometimes they used horses. The highly confidential and secret messages were carried by word of mouth only. All these arrangements made the
Kukas feel the importance of their role.

Ram Singh appointed 22 officers to carry out the work efficiently and in a planned manner. He called them Subas. These Subas traveled throughout Punjab and spread the ideas of Ram Singh. Ram Singh very much wished that this group should become strong and be able to drive out the British. He also wished that this group should bring about social and religious reformation too.

The Sadguru established contacts with the neighboring states of Kashmir and Nepal through his followers. They promised to help him in times of need. The followers of Ram Singh even went to Russia to seek help. They were the first persons to go to such a far off country in the cause of freedom. The names of those who went to Russia on that occasion are still found in the secret documents of the country.

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About Ramasingh Kuka
The Scene
The Tender Boy
Lad Or Lion?
Inborn Goodness
'Big Brother'
Back To The Village
Bhaini - A holy Place
The Kukas
'Ananda Vivaha' ( The Happy Marriage)
The Vow Of Swadeshi
hand.gif (968 bytes) The Arrangement
The Fear Of The Government
Divide And Rule
The Clash
The Death of Warriors
'I Will be Born Again'
Maghi Jatra
The Attack
"We Must Be Prepared For Hardships..."
The End